Wednesday, January 02, 2013


"The word orthodox, from Greek orthos + doxa, is generally used to mean the adherence to accepted norms, more specifically to creeds, especially in religion." Wikipedia

I grew up in a wonderfully Christian family. I attended the Church of Christ for the 18yrs I lived at home (mom and dad still attend). I spent 4.5 years at Abilene Christian University. I graduated with a degree in ministry. I went directly into ministry at a good church for the next 9yrs. Needless to say, I know the accepted norms and creeds of my religious upbringing.

I have chosen to question most of them. Not reject them, just open them up and question them. I don't know if I ever got a chance to explore...that chance is now.


Christy McCoy said...

This particular post spoke to me. And I agree. I don't think I ever questioned those "accepted norms or creeds of my religious upbringing" because I never felt that it was appropriate or acceptable to do so. But now, I don't want to reject those beliefs either...but I do want to further question them and explore my own heart and feelings towards it. It's like that Robert Earl Keen song: Road to no Return..."bare your soul, let your spirit burn, out along the road to no return" This is your life's moment and chance to explore, so do so freely, especially in the moment in which you know you should.

Shane said...

Thank you Christy! I love that song...

Birds, rain, and the need to create

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