Monday, April 15, 2013

Pretzels, eggs, and the Trinity...

"Explain God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and how they are work together because my trainer told me..."

That question flew at me this morning at church.

What strikes me is how sure I am about all sorts of things I think I know until I'm asked.

My first and most honest answer was "I don't know." try and explain it to a group of people who don't know your Bible language. Who haven't read a commentary, or N.T. Wright, Tim Keller, or even Peter Rollins. You explain the ideas behind the Trinity without the benefit of passing them along to the senior pastor.

"I don't know" seemed like a good place to start conversation.

We fumbled around and talked about the Trinity being like an egg or pretzel. It was good.

In other jobs I've had "I don't know" would have meant upset parents, elder meetings, and discussions about my role...

I don't know. I like church when I don't have to know all the time.

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