Saturday, June 28, 2014


I guess I've never really thought much about miracles. I've been content with stories of dinner for five thousand, resurrections from the dead, and making wine out of some water. They were stories in the book and displayed on a flannel graph. Miracles happened then and they were cool. 

Today I need the miracle though. I need a graft about the size of a half dollar to seal. I need it to be strong and do what it's supposed to do. I need the stitches to hold. The needle holes to close. I need the body to do what the body does. 

I need God to hold that graft and those stitches in HIS hands. I need this miracle in the now.  

She is so tired. Her eyes are red with tears, worn out from crying. She's been poked and poked and then poked again. She hasn't washed her hair in three weeks. Hasn't held her baby girls in even longer. She needs the miracle today. She needs HIM to do what only HE can do. 

I've begged. I've kneeled. I've cried. I've ejected. I've come back. I don't know what to do anymore. I know I can't make God do what I want. No more "God if you will just do A then I will do B." No more karma.

I just want to believe God can and will fix her.  

I can't believe any harder. I can't hope more than I already am. I can't give up and give in any better. We are raw and vulnerable. We have, I really do believe, fallen into HIS arms. 

But we still have to wait and see. God, we do believe, just help our unbelief. 

Your kingdom come. Your will be done...on earth as it is in heaven.  

HE will fix her. 


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