Saturday, February 13, 2016

Day Three

(Yup, I am one day behind. But I think that is why you don’t count Sunday’s in Lent…they’re the make-up day!)

I like to look at the statistic page of this blog. It shows me how many people have read each post and how many views I have received on certain days. Back in 2014 when Stacey was in the hospital it was fun to look and see all the people who were reading my words.

It became addicting in a lot of ways. I wanted to keep writing so that more people would keep reading and I could get more numbers. Sure, it was about the words and emotions behind the story of that time, but I really did like knowing the page received 350 hits in one day.  The problem became that I had run out of things to write about. I was trying really hard and when I didn’t get the amount of likes that I wanted, I just quit.

We count everything these days. So much of our self-esteem is tied to social media likes or hit counts on sites or pins. We crave attention. We crave being liked and noticed. I think a lot of that is good and normal. We were created to be social beings and having positive social interactions is always a plus, but why do we chase attention like we do?

I have no idea. I am sure I can research this, but I like to keep these short.

Today is about giving up seeking attention and giving more attention to God. Before I would preach many moons ago I would pray the prayer, “more you God and less of me”. Seems like a really spiritual thing to pray before you get up to speak about God to a group of people…but today I’d like to say it pray it again from my kitchen table, while my wife vacuums, and my kids play outside:

God, today I pray for more of you and less of me. Whatever that means and whatever it looks like, increase you and decrease me.

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Birds, rain, and the need to create

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