Monday, January 24, 2011

Keys to the car...

Today I got the keys to my new "car". The job is mine and I get to take it out for spin. It feels like the first day of school...a little nerve racking. I'm not really sure what to do or how to do it, but I think I'll be okay. I will probably over plan and over think a lot of things in the next week. I will miss my life as a youth minister. This one will be far different, but I'm thankful for the last eight years and how they have shaped me for today.

I never imagined I would be doing this. I never imagined I would jump from teenagers to old people in less than two months. I sat at Starbucks today with my fellow chaplains and realized that I am 40 years younger and a whole lot less qualified.

I have no idea what I'm doing, but I know I'm running towards something...

1 comment:

Brock Paulk said...

God bless your new endeavor. Don't forget - let's do lunch one day.

Birds, rain, and the need to create

Let's be real honest...I suck at blogging. I just refuse to find the time to do it and most of the time I have talked myself out of cert...